A short tower defense game where you shoot down waves of enemies that get stronger with every passing wave. You can select upgrades to get stronger and try to reach the highest wave you can get!

Development log


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I always knew it!

Not doing NNN will turn any archer into an unstoppable machinegunner! :O

I currently cant even afford to shoot nonstop anymore cause hitting enemies constantly would lack the game.
only short burst of machine gun... arrow fire are still acceptable :-)


Nice game, starts out quite challenging at parts but gets pretty easy later on when you basically jsut aim to the bottom right and the waves get shredded to oblivion :-)


Wave 2 seems impossible to beat none of the available upgrades do enough to make it possible to get by it. Perhaps I'm missing something? But I seem to have tried all 4 of the available upgrades and I still get overrun

Thanks for letting me know. There was a bug with the difficulty scaling and it was getting too difficult too quick. I've fixed it and it should be easier.


I do not think that the upgrade add +1 arrow to your bow is necessary, it kinda breaks the game :D